Herb Lore (Improved) #

Lists: Awakened Uruk Loresheet, Druid Loresheet, Generic Skills and Plant Loresheet.

Tier: 2

OSP Cost: 25

Pre-requisite to learn: Herb Lore.

Requirements to use: Lammie or Loresheet.

This skill replaces and includes the Herb Lore Occupational Skill. This skill allows the character to use herbs and natural ingredients from a local area, utilising regional remedies and natural skills to cause effects similar and often the same as some spells. Before each event you can download a Herb Loresheet from the Lorien Trust Website. This sheet should be filled out and carried with your character card whist in-character. The sheet will detail the number of herbs available to you each day (12 + additional 12) as well as boxes to mark off (in a similar way to Spell Power Sheets for Casters) and will additionally detail the effects of each herb (or combination). Each Herb application requires a proximity action (holding your hand approx. 1ft from the target/target location) for 10 seconds (this does not require concentration). This sheet represents your ability to quickly pick and use herbs in your immediate area that are easily secreted - and cannot be traded or stolen.

Awakened Uruk Loresheet

OSP Cost: 20

Pre-requisite to learn: Herb Lore.

Druid Loresheet

Min. Type: All Druid

Tier: 2

OSP Cost: 20

Pre-requisite to learn: Herb Lore.

Plant Loresheet

Tier: 2

OSP Cost: 20

Pre-requisite to learn: Herb Lore.