Master Poisoner

Lists: Alchemists Guild and Scouts Guild.

Tier: 4

OSP Cost: 40

Requirements to use: Poison Lore CS.

The use of the Master Poisoner skill requires the presence of a Referee or Marshal and they will determine a reasonable amount of time that the poison will linger (no longer than 30 mins after which the poison will be spoiled).

  • The character may place a venom poison or weapon oil upon an object or area no larger than 1 foot by 1 foot (approx. 30cm) in size. The first person to come into contact this object or area will be affected by the oil or venom in all ways as if struck by a weapon (and if the location is armoured, the rules apply for that as well). This can include doors, weapons and shield grips, In-character objects or patches of floor, furniture or even drinking vessels (outside of). The referee or Marshal will determine if an item is unsuitable - this may include areas or items considered ineligible for health and safety.

  • A venom or weapon oil may be directly applied to an immobilised or unconscious character by concentrating for 10 seconds with the primary hand held approx. 1ft above the character. If applied in this way, the armour of the target is considered to be bypassed (including magical armour).

  • A venom or weapon oil may be directly applied to an item (such as a book, piece of A4 paper, item or part of an item they are holding - like the handle of a dagger) and pass this to another character to be affected. The item must be held in the off-hand and the Poison or weapon oil applied with the main hand. The master Poisoner must keep the item in the off-hand until passed on or placed. Once contact with the item has been broken the rules in the first point of Master Poisoner above take precedence.

  • A venom may be applied to an item of food or drink (Warning – This may only ever be a roleplayed action, adding any ingredient, however safe to real food or drink will not be tolerated). The first character to consume any part of the poisoned food or drink will be affected by the venom as if they had been struck by a venom that has bypassed all armour.