+12 Spell Power

Lists: Arcane Guilds, Awakened Elf Loresheet, Druid Loresheet and Warlock Loresheet.

Tier: 4

OSP Cost: 40

Pre-requisite to learn: +8 Spell Power.

Dependent skill: +16 Spell Power.

This skill replaces +8 Spell Power. The character gains +12 spell Power per day, subject to the rule of double.

Awakened Elf Loresheet

Tier: 3

OSP Cost: 35

Pre-requisite to learn: +8 Spell Power.

Druid Loresheet

Min. Type: Mature Druid

Tier: 3

OSP Cost: 20

Pre-requisite to learn: +8 Spell Power.

Warlock Loresheet

Min. Type: Adept Warlock

Tier: 3

OSP Cost: 20

Pre-requisite to learn: +8 Spell Power.