Strike for Enchanted #

Lists: Ancestral Loresheet, Awakened Elf Loresheet, Lammie Restricted, Magical Pattern Loresheet, Mineral Loresheet and Paladin Loresheet.

Requirements to use: Lammie, Loresheet or High Magic Sigil.

This skill allows a character to choose to strike for Enchanted with any melee weapon in their primary hand or a large melee weapon held in both hands, unless the weapon already does a damage type other than normal (e.g. silver/natural). This skill can only be used or purchased if the character has an applicable lammie or loresheet that allows it.

Ancestral Loresheet

Tier: 3

OSP Cost: 30

Awakened Elf Loresheet

Tier: 4

OSP Cost: 45

Magical Pattern Loresheet

Tier: 4

OSP Cost: 40

Mineral Loresheet

Tier: 3

OSP Cost: 30

Paladin Loresheet

Min. Type: Knight Paladin

Tier: 3

OSP Cost: 30