Perfect Attunement Paragon
Perfect Attunement Paragon
Pre-requisite to learn: Ritual Magic 2 or 3.
Eye of the Wellsprings (Abilities)
- Solitaire - Once per event may perform a Solo Ritual (does not require any contributors and counts as fulfilling all of the minimum requirements for a Ritual) and will generate a high amount of power. In addition, the Ritualist may change the alignment of the circle for the duration of the Solo Ritual that they are performing.
- Living Geometry - Once per year the Ritualist can act as a Ritual Circle*. When activated is immune to all Level 1, 2 and 3 Spells and Effects (including Terror, Petrify, Dismiss, Artefact and Elemental Weakness) for the duration of the Ritual* and not move from their chosen spot and may not be moved. Once this ability has been used all locations are Destroyed (-1LVH all locations).
* Once this ability has been activated it must be used until the Ritual has been ended, if your character would die during the Perfect Attunement, death will occur when the ability ends. This ability requires 24hrs notice to use and agreement of details (location/arrangements for volunteers etc.) to be agreed with Lorien Trust Management.
See <X> Paragon for full details.